Saturday, December 26, 2009

Australian Essentials

This week's themes is 12.

Since my arrival in Australia I have learned that there are 12 things that I must have in my bag whenever I leave the house for an extended outing.

1. Star Map--The night sky in the Southern Hemisphere is different from the one I know, and I love to know what I am looking at.
2. Frocs (faux crocs)--When the red dirt turns to mud, it is ruthless.
3. Sunscreen--The sun Down Under is merciless.
4. Fly Net--When the wind blows from the north it brings hundreds of flies that love to t crawl up your nose or to be your next meal.
5. Light Weight Long Sleeve Shirt--Its not just your face that needs protection from the sun.
6. Water--I never leave home without it.
7. Brollie--Umbrella for us Yanks.  Comes in useful for the fast moving rainstorms of the rainy season, or to offer additional protection from the sun.
8. Sunnies--With the intense UVA/UVB rays you have to protect your eyes.
9. 12 Volt Water Heater (for cars)--Often you can go for miles on end without a place to stop for a cuppa joe.
10. Wide Brim Hat--Additional sun protection.  Always a must.
11. Binos--To get an up close look at all of Australia's wonderful Flora and Fauna.
12. Anti-Monkey Butt--Helps ward off blisters and heat rash--especially useful on those hot days and long hikes.


  1. Perfect. I love seeing what your essentials are in Oz. And don't forget the camera. ;) Have a great holiday and vacation week. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your 4x4 adventures.

  2. Hi Marta. I didn't include the camera, because that has pretty much become a life essential. Stay tuned for more Australian adventures.
