Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Today is the first day of spring, or so my Pilates instructor informed me. At first I thought it was a bit strange, not because it is September (I am slowly adjusting to the fact that it is winter in months that I normally associate with summer), but because it is the 1st day of the 9th month of the year. In my many years of schooling I was taught that winter/spring seasonal change occurs on the equinox, which if my long term memory doesn't fail--will not occur until the 22nd or 23rd of the month. So I had to question if Leanna was exaggerating the facts, or if I was once again being faced with a cultural difference?
I have since confirmed that today is in fact the first day of Spring--at least here in Oz. A season that will last until the 1st of December, when summer will begin (hmm... what happened to the solstice). Even though I am having a bit of trouble adjusting to the idea of a seasonal change on the first of the month-every three months, there is no denying that spring is in the air. After all, last week, on our drive across Western Australia, we saw hundreds of different types of wildflowers. Since it is still early in the season, and many flowers have yet to come into bloom I can not imagine what the scenery will be in a month or so. Here is just a small sample of the many beautiful wildflowers that we saw.

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